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Hlxml Documentation


Project Docs

Half-Life Server Logs to XML Converter

What the *** is this?

I wrote a small command-line tool in Java, that reads Half-Life Server logs and transforms them into a XML Representation.

The project is hosted on SourceForge.

-- jan


  • SAX XMLReader Implementation
  • XML Configuration with HiveMind
  • Can be used for other log formats as well, basically everything that can be parsed using a set of Regular Expressions.

History of Changes


Version 0.3.1 (CVS only)

  • add Added generation of HLSW Player DB text import format files (jawe)
  • update Changed a lot of internal classes to be HiveMind services (jawe)
  • update Externalized and localized most of the messages using HiveMind's localization mechanism (jawe)
  • update Split HiveMind modules into core and cstrike. The core module is intended to be reusable for virtually any kind of logfiles (jawe)
  • update Minor documentation updates (jawe)

Version 0.3 (2004-08-30)

  • add Initial CVs Import and upload to sf.net. (jawe)
  • add Reads single log files or whole directories. (jawe)
  • add Generated XML can be written to a directory. (jawe)
  • add Nice command line interface. (jawe)
  • add Created and uploaded the homepage (= documentation) using forrest. (jawe)

Todo List


  • [parser] Add Ant targets for compiling JUnit Tests. → jawe
  • [parser] Write/expand JUnit tests. → jawe
  • [parser] Implement a SAX ContentHandler that accumulates statistics. → jawe
  • [reader] Implement receiving logs via rcon. → jawe
  • [stats] Generate HTML displaying the stats. → jawe


  • [www] Write developer docs: Architecture Overview, Configuration, Guide. → jawe
  • [project] Try Maven. → jawe

Hlxml Roadmap

Release 0.4

This version will include the ability to gather overall stats.

Release 0.5

This version will include the ability to gather specific stats (players, maps, weapongs etc.).

Release 0.6

This version will generate a website displaying the stats.

Release 0.7

This version will include the ability to receive and parse logs via rcon.

User Docs

Hlxml User Documentation


Hlxml is the first step of an attempt to implement a XML based player stats sytem for half-life servers.

Hlxml Getting started


  1. Download a distribution package
  2. Install it using a compression tool like WinZip, unzip, tar etc.
  3. Make sure you have some Half-Life server log files handy.
  4. Choose or create a directory to write the generated XML files to.


At the moment the program is only able to simply write the generated XML to files in a directory. Later it's main purpose will be to pipe the XML to a stats generator.

Open a command line prompt and type java -jar hlxml.jar --help to get a short description of the available command line options.

See the Usage Notes for more information.

Hlxml Download


All files can be downloaded from the SourceForge project site.


Source without libraries

Hlxml Installation


  1. Download a distribution package.
  2. Extract it into a directory of your choice using a compression tool like WinZip, unzip, tar etc.

Hlxml Command line usage


Change to the program directory (the one where you extracted the distribution package) and type java -jar hlxml.jar --help to get the following output:

 java -jar hlxml.jar [options] [files]
  where options are:
  -h,--help                         display a help text and exit
  -o,--output <Ausgabeverzeichnis>  a directory to write the xml files to
  -p,--parser <Parser Typ>          parser type, currently only cstrike is

Parsing a single logfile

Change to the program directory and type:

java -jar hlxml.jar -o /path/to/output-directory /path/to/logfile.log

Parsing all logfiles in a directory

Change to the program directory and type:

java -jar hlxml.jar -o /path/to/output-directory /path/to/logfiles

Developer Docs

Hlxml Developer Documentation

Architecture Overview


Hlxml Parser Configuration

Apache HiveMind


Matching Log Entries: match


Matching Tokens: choose and when


Reacting on matches: do


Hlxml API Documentation




Click here to view the Javadoc generated API documentation

Standards Compliance

TODO: Describe use of SAX, JAXP and TRAX APIs.